According to (NBS, 2004 and Ojo) about 80% of graduates in Nigeria find it difficult to get employment every year consistently. This is mainly due to the curricula of our tertiary institutions and other schools with emphasis on trainings for white collar jobs. In Nigeria, it is estimated to have about 170 million people (NBS, 2004 and Ojo, Abayomi & Odozi, 2014). This large population is blessed with abundant natural and human resources plus a favorable topographical area in the world. The current financial worldwide crisis has affected negatively on businesses globally and the Nigerian economy. This challenges has posed serious challenges and dangers to government and extraordinary number of citizens. Nigeria like other developing countries is confronted with various issues with regards to youth and graduate unemployment, significant level of poverty, insurgency, diseases, conflict, over reliance on imported products, slow economic development and growth, lack of human capacity and required skills to move the economy forward. Joblessness has become a significant issue to the lives of younger generations and fresh school graduates causing disappointment, discouragement, frustration and dependency on imported products to survive. The level of unemployment among this young population in Nigeria has contributed to the high rate of internet fraud, crime, insecurity and violence in the society during elections (Ajufo, 2003 & Simkovic 2012). The National Population Commission (2013), estimates that about sixty four (64) million of the Nigeria youths are unemployed or jobless while one million six hundred thousand (1.6million) are underemployed bringing the significant number of youths population without jobs to eighty (80) million.
When the high unemployment figures, when deducted from the total number of Nigeria’s population then you would concur that repositioning our entrepreneurship studies with a system to enlighten users on how to gain basic skills is required in our schools, this would help bridge the gap and give our growing unemployed youth job ambitions.
Another cause of unemployment in Nigeria is the lack of our educational system in Nigeria to address capacity development and teach our youth how to be solving problem. In developed countries, for instance, their educational technique introduces the youth to the trail of inquiry-discovery application to perceive problems (including societal problems) as challenges and opportunities that can be turned into goods and services to be rendered for money or commercial value (Adejimola & Olufumilayo, 2009). One of the ways to deal with unemployment in Nigeria is educating and using the advancement in technology for entrepreneurship and innovation. This should help in developing the capacity of students in entrepreneurship and innovation, engaging them in activities with small and large enterprises through such interventions as business incubators. Training our young generation into entrepreneurs is key to help fight unemployment, stop our reliance on imported goods, and grow our industrial and economic development in Nigeria.
For the government to re-positioning the economic, there is a need to build and drive entrepreneurial studies for job creation, wealth creation and global competitiveness of Nigeria youths and graduates. The purpose of the research is to equip Nigerian graduates and create a channel to enable easy venturing into skill acquisition and add to their knowledge and skills gotten from school. They are a lot of Challenges like inadequate funding, lack of training personnel and availability of equipment for training, but with the web system, all the listed challenges has been fixed.
The primary aim of the study is to design and implement a web based presentation system that would enlighten users on how to make creams, soap, perfume, bake and chemicals (insecticide) in fighting against unemployment and engage our youths meaningfully, with the following objectives:
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